Dear Conway Voters,

Here are the top 5 ways I plan to support Conway’s first responders, and I will tirelessly advocate for our local heroes if elected to Conway City Council:
1. Ensuring that first responders receive adequate funding is essential. According to a report by the National Fire Protection Association, fire departments across the United States are struggling with inadequate staffing. The report revealed that in 2018, there were 1.2 million firefighters in the United States, down from 1.3 million in 2008. This decrease in staffing levels can lead to longer response times and increased danger for both firefighters and the public. Therefore, proper funding for adequate staffing is crucial to ensure the safety of Conway.
2. Proper Funding for Equipment. Proper Funding for equipment is essential to ensure that our first responders have the necessary tools to handle emergencies safely and effectively. Investing in new equipment and replacing old or outdated equipment can save lives and protect our first responders. Without proper funding, first responders may be ill-equipped to handle emergencies.
3. Proper healthcare for retirees: Long term employees should continue to be afforded long term healthcare for mental and physical support. Providing mental health support for first responders is crucial. These individuals are often exposed to traumatic situations, which can take a toll on their mental health. Offering resources and support to help them manage stress and trauma is essential. First responders are often exposed to physical hazards on the job as well. Providing them with the necessary healthcare after years of service is the moral and ethical obligation. This includes access to medical care, fitness programs, and wellness initiatives.
4. Recognizing the hard work and sacrifices of first responders is important. This can include public ceremonies, awards, and other forms of recognition. Showing appreciation for the work they do can go a long way in boosting morale and job satisfaction.
5. I will work to ensure annexations do not compromise the excellent service provided by first responders or lead to longer response times for affected residents. As the city grows, ensure Conway has an appropriate amount of fire and police stations to respond to residents needs.
As a candidate, I understand the importance of supporting our first responders. If elected, I will work to ensure that our first responders receive the funding, resources, and support they need to do their jobs effectively.
Here are the top five reasons why first responders deserve a competitive salary and how important it is to retain them in a city whose population will double by 2040:
1. High-Risk Jobs: First responders put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve their community. They perform physically and emotionally demanding work that carries a high level of risk. A competitive salary is necessary to compensate them for the dangers they face on the job.
2. Critical Services: First responders provide critical services that are essential to the safety and well-being of their community. They play a vital role in emergency response, disaster relief, and public safety. A competitive salary is necessary to attract and retain highly skilled professionals who can perform these critical services effectively.
3. Education and Training: First responders undergo extensive education and training to acquire the necessary skills to perform their jobs effectively. This training is often ongoing, as they must stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and technologies. A competitive salary is necessary to compensate them for the time and effort they invest in their education and training.
4. High Turnover Rates: First responder jobs can be physically and emotionally demanding, leading to high turnover rates. Retaining experienced professionals is crucial to maintaining the quality of emergency services. A competitive salary is necessary to retain experienced first responders, reducing the need for costly recruitment and training.
5. Population Growth: As cities grow, the demand for emergency services increases. The population of a city expected to double by 2040 will require an increase in the number of first responders. A competitive salary is necessary to attract and retain a sufficient number of highly skilled professionals to meet the growing demand for emergency services.
As a candidate, I understand the importance of attracting and retaining highly skilled first responders. If elected, I will work to ensure that first responders receive competitive salaries that reflect the risks, education, and training required for their critical work. By doing so, we can attract and retain the best professionals to keep our community safe and secure as our population grows.
I would love to know what you think! Please fill out the form on my website and let me know. Thanks again for your consideration, don’t forget to vote June 13th for April O’Leary if these are values that you support.
Leading with Love & Loyalty,
April O’Leary